Bob Cowman has served as pastor for the last thirty-three years. He has served as Lead Pastor at Columbus Road Church in Quincy, Illinois, for twenty-one years. Bob received his pastoral training at Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. He also earned his Master of Divinity in 1991 and his Doctorate in 2004 from Baptist Bible Seminary.

He serves as an adjunct professor at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He serves in the School of Divinity, teaching courses in Evangelism and leadership. He is passionate about reaching his community with the saving message of Jesus Christ. He is also the head men’s soccer coach at John Wood Community College. Bob has been coaching at all levels for over thirty years.

He is the father of four children (Matt, Madison, Michaela, and Meredith) and the husband of Lisa. Bob enjoys racing his mini hauler race truck in the summers. He also enjoys hunting and fishing. He uses these activities to further reach the community and impact the lives of men.

He conducts Unleashing the Church seminars, a conference ministry designed to provide resources that help spread a passion for unleashing the body of Christ to do God's work for His good pleasure.  



Bob Cowman conducts The Church Unleashed seminar for churches and organizations that are looking for practical information and help in beginning or re-vamping their outreach ministries. These seminars typically last from one hour to a half day. Attendees are presented with foundational truths regarding the importance of outreach, strategic planning methods, and practical steps for implementing outreach ministry. 

​Topics covered include The Biblical Foundation for Outreach, Making a Commitment to Outreach, Developing a Mission Team, Strategic Planning, Cultural Relevance, Practical Steps, Community Involvement, and Tools & Training.

Click the email link below to submit a request for more information.


Church unleashed seminars & speAKING enGAGEMENTS